September is B.C. Disability Employment Month

Every September, B.C. Disability Employment Month highlights the significant role people with disabilities play in B.C.’s workforce. Throughout the month, WorkBC offers resources employers can use to learn about reducing barriers to inclusion.…

Unleash Your Imagination: Science World Debuts Creative Technology Gallery

Starting September 18, 2023 a new Creative Technology Gallery will spark the realm of imagination at Science World’s iconic dome. This thought-provoking new gallery is co-presented by Beedie and RBC, supported by Pacific Economic Development…

Celebrating the First EXNW Global Connector Award 2023 Recipients

The EXNW Global Connector Award is a prestigious accolade that celebrates individuals and organizations for their exceptional contributions to advancing creative talent in the global entertainment industry. This award was established with the…

Emancipation Day 2023

On March 24, 2021, Canada’s House of Commons voted unanimously to officially designate August 1 Emancipation Day. It marks the actual day in 1834 that the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 came into effect across the British Empire. Canadians…

EXNW Builds a Gateway to the East from the West

EXNW is the future of racialized global storytelling and entertainment across all continents. Hosted annually in Vancouver, British Columbia, this momentous event running July 28-30, 2023 will primarily focus on new pathways, platforms and…

Celebrating B.C.’s nominees of the Western Canadian Music Awards 2023

The Western Canadian Music Awards and Industry Awards celebrates the best of artistic and music industry talent in western Canada. As members of the Canadian and International music industry converge for BreakOut West 2023 in Kelowna from October…

Celebrating the 2023 Leo Awards Nominees

Nominees of the 2023 Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Foundation of BC's LEO AWARDS were recently announced. Jurors spent upwards of 8 weeks screening and adjudicating over 1300 eligible entries in 16 different program categories determining…

Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day recognizing and honouring the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Indigenous peoples of Canada. Coinciding with the summer solstice, it is a day of significance to be spent…

June is 2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Month

Pride Month is a movement that celebrates sexual diversity, promoting the dignity, equal rights, self-affirmation and is a way of increasing society’s awareness of the issues faced by the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. The creative industries celebrate…

June is National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity to learn about and celebrate the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. It's a time to honour the stories, achievements and resilience…