Kaats’ii Hla | Ḵaats’a HláaThis Is Haida Gwaii is a tour-planning magazine offering visitors a welcoming message to Haida Gwaii. In partnership with BC Parks, Gwaii Haanas, the Council of the Haida Nation, both language offices on island (Skidegate Haida Immersion Program and X̱aad Kíl Née), Kaats’ii Hla | Ḵaats’a HláaThis Is Haida Gwaii promotes tourism in the region, providing a platform to market over 80 local businesses, and collaborates with local Haida Gwaii creatives, photographers, videographers, and writers.  



The magazine is a production of a small but dedicated team of Haida Gwaii residents and creatives. All of whom share a passion for the place they call home and a desire to share it in an authentic, sustainable and culturally conscious way. Life on an archipelago 100 kilometres from the mainland has its distinctions from what most visitors are familiar with, and the team wants to celebrate the reasons they’ve chosen to build their lives, somewhat literally, on a rock in the middle of the ocean.

Kaats’ii Hla | Ḵaats’a HláaThis Is Haida Gwaii shares their local knowledge with the people who make the effort to visit. They want to show how they can be better visitors and educate themselves about the people who have been here for thousands of years, to provide an intro to the Haida language and do their part in language restoration. The magazine offers mindful ways for tourists to visit using the Haida Gwaii Pledge as a responsibility that locals and tourists have to protect air, ocean, land, and people, and incorporates colour-coded Haida language in both Northern and Southern dialects, with a Haida language section including a pronunciation diagram. 

New content is published every year. Find Kaats’ii Hla | Ḵaats’a HláaThis Is Haida Gwaii in visitor centres, airports and ferry terminals around British Columbia.
Read the recent trip planner issue here
Take the pledge here
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