Written and directed by Osgood Perkins and produced by Nicolas Cage’s production company Saturn Films, LONGLEGS is a SILENCE OF THE LAMBS-eqsue horror thriller filmed in Vancouver. Not only is the film produced by Nicolas Cage, but he also stars as the serial killer, alongside actors Maika Monroe, Blair Underwood, Alicia Witt, Michelle Choi-Lee and Dakota Daulby.

Originally from New York, Osgood Perkins has spent the last two years residing in Vancouver. Filming occurred at the start of 2023, and the Vancouver area served as a moody winter backdrop, matching the eerie aesthetic of this thriller.

Perkins shared his inspiration for the film with the Vancouver Sun, “It was derived from my appreciation of Silence of the Lambs, which was a movie I had seen at a particularly ripe time in my life,” said Perkins over the phone from Los Angeles. “I don’t think anybody my age who is interested in movies will ever forget Silence of the Lambs and the way it felt … and the way it sort of cornered the market on excellence in the genre.

Similarly to SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, the plot follows a female FBI agent as she investigates a serial killer. However, in this film Cage’s character murders multiple families across the United States without being physically present.

LONGLEGS is now screening in theatres across British Columbia.