Save the date! Canadian Independent Bookstore Day is taking place on Saturday, April 29, 2023 to celebrate the vibrant independent bookseller community in Canada. Canadian Independent Bookstore Day (CIBD) is the annual day when readers, writers, illustrators, publishers, and other industry supporters come together to celebrate indie bookstores. By joining the celebration, you are advocating for independent businesses, supporting a flourishing bookselling community, and investing in Canadian culture.

CIBD 2023 Artwork by Alex MacAskill
Independent booksellers are an integral part of Canadian culture. As professionals, they are deeply passionate about their work, prioritize best-in-class customer service, and provide unmatched value for the book-buying public.
Help Canada’s Independent Book Association (CIBA) celebrate the work of the indie book industry:
Buy books: Purchase books and other items in-person, online, or by phone to show your support.
Check out bookstore activities: Local shops across Canada are planning celebratory activities for the big day including customer giveaways, discounts, exclusive products, author events, and more. Visit their websites and social channels for details.
Help spread the word: CIBD is an opportunity to raise awareness about everything that indies have to offer. Follow CIBA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share our info about the campaign throughout the month of April.
This year, CIBA commissioned artwork from Canadian artist and illustrator Alex MacAskill to help celebrate CIBD 2023. Alex’s illustration is a bright and dynamic ode to the role that indies play in their communities. Click here to read CIBA’s interview with Alex about his work on CIBD 2023.
Find an indie bookstore near you!