Dancing Line Productions is an award-winning animation studio based in Vancouver, Canada, and lead by Anik Rosenblum, their Creative Director, and Owner. Dancing Line specializes in creative high-quality 2D animations for small scale productions: TV commercials, promotional, educational and music videos using traditional hand-drawn technique.
Dancing Line Production was founded in 2008 by director/ animator Anik Rosenblum, who after working on a number of large productions, recognized he had a desire to do something more fresh and creative and was looking to create opportunities to explore a variety of styles and techniques. The Dancing Line team is always trying new ideas, and continuously looking to find effective visual ways to deliver a message, and create expressive movement that generates emotion through their animation. One of their pieces has received well over 10 million views, which had made them feel truly appreciated and valued in the world of animation.
Currently they are focusing on completing animation for a national TV campaign for a Toronto based company.
Website: www.dancinglineproductions.com
Twitter: @DancingLine