Word Vancouver, Western Canada’s largest literary arts festival, marks the 30th anniversary this year and returns from September 8 to September 28, 2024. It is a free and family-friendly event that brings together established and emerging authors, aspiring writers, literary exhibitors, and book-lovers from across the Lower Mainland. View this year’s key programs:

Word Vancouver 2024

Opening Gala

On September 21, the official opening event for this year’s Word Vancouver festival will take place in Museum of Vancouver.

The event will feature an intimate reading and Q&A session with UBC Library’s Inaugural Writer-in-Residence, keynote author Valerie Jerome, who will discuss the work, Races (Goose Lane Editions). Additionally, attendees will enjoy an introduction and readings from guest LGBTQIA2S+ Curator, Jen Currin, presenting Disembark (House of Anansi Press), as well as insights from guest Indigenous Curator, Michelle Cyca.

Main Day Events

On September 28, there will be an exciting lineup of panels, workshops, competitions and podcasts that showcase a diverse range of voices and topics. Attendees can engage with acclaimed creators such as the award winning author, Eden Robinson, who will share insights on craft and process through a reflection of her body of work.

The festival will also highlight important discussions on LGBTQIA2S+ experiences, decolonizing media, and the intricacies of environmental concerns in literature, and a lot more. Participants will have the opportunity to explore new perspectives and deepen their understanding of contemporary issues through the lens of literature.

Off-site Events

Starting September 8, Word Vancouver will host a series of engaging off-site events to celebrate the literary arts. The festival will begin with the Dead Poets Reading Series at Massy Arts, connecting local poets with renowned voices from the past. Following that, events like the Twisted Poets Literary Salon and the 20th Anniversary of Kendra Kandlestar will feature diverse authors and themes, ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

About Word Vancouver

The Vancouver Book and Magazine Fair Society was incorporated in 1995 and produced the first “Word On The Street Vancouver” festival that year. Held at the then newly built Vancouver Public Library, it featured 60 exhibitors and attracted 18,000 festival-goers.

Word Vancouver strives to foster the joy of the written word and inspire creativity by bringing together readers and writers from all backgrounds in an annual, inclusive and free literary arts festival, connecting local communities and celebrating literary arts through the collective experience. It aspires to embrace innovation, encourage discourse and provide a safe and accessible experience for all members of the richly diverse communities.

For more information and updates, visit the Word Vancouver website.