Since 1936, Where remains the world’s largest publisher of visitor magazines. Where Vancouver, (which encompass print, web, and social media) provides timely, local information on shopping, cultural attractions, and dining as well as what’s hot and upcoming in entertainment. Where’s magazines and online properties are created by local editors and staff who have current in-depth knowledge about their cities because they themselves live in the city they write about.

Sheri Radford, Editor of Where Vancouver (nine issues per year) and Where Whistler (two issues per year), knew she needed the hustle and bustle of big city living and returned to Vancouver after some time exploring island life in Lady Smith on Vancouver Island. Out of school, Sheri started as a technical writer but after 2 years she switched to into the magazine publishing industry and has been with Where Vancouver and Where Whistler for over 15 years.

Sheri can be found most mornings jogging along Vancouver’s seawall taking in all that her beautiful city has to offer. In addition to the Magazine Editor hat, Sheri is also the author of several award-winning books for children.